Friday, April 18, 2014


Advertisement:  Unwanted guests  The roommate and her boyfriend  Hogging couches since 1805  Simply place the all-new Phobitron TM in the living room to encourage a speeding departure  Clown: Do you want to play a game  Boyfriend: Um, maybe I should go now  Unicorn: Your soul will taste good with pecans  Gnome: The restraining order just expired  Thanks Phobitron  Available in Monster Clown, Terror Teddy, Soul-Eating Unicorn, Posessed Child, Unnerving Gnome, and Tramata Cat  Tramauta Cat not pictured, as the photographer suffered an instant mental breakdown upon seeing it  Buyers should exercise extreme caution  Dilettante Co

All new from Dilettante Co. is the Phobitron™!
Whether you wish to be rid of the resident moocher that you can't even count as a dependent on your taxes, or the roommate and his/her/its significant other has infected the residence with too much reality television, our lovable(?) mechanized characters will gently persuade them to leave.  When the job is too big for a Cabbage Patch Kid or that glitchy, decade-old furby you hide in the attic, call for Phobitron™! 

As an additional note, we're not kidding about the Traumata Cat.  After consulting with our legal department, we have decided that it should only be leased in extreme emergencies, which must be proved with photographic evidence and at least four eyewitness accounts.  On a related note, our photographer has calmed down a bit and promised to come out from under the bed by the end of the month. 

The funny thing is, while they're technically robots, it turns out it's surprisingly difficult to make an actually robot-like Phobitron sufficiently creepy without either including an obscene amount of weaponry or referencing H.A.L.


...aaaand because we haven't seen the soul-eating unicorn enough on this blog already... 

Right.  There we go. 

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