
Where you can download my music, including soundtracks to stories I've written.

High School Lessons on Webtoon
My secondary webcomic, featuring the crazy school you know and love(?) from this blog. 

OrangeButteryflyStar on deviantART
My main art account, where I display my non-cartoony pictures (although some of my Dilettante pictures end up there and vice versa).

Songlight at Threadless
Designs for t-shirts and other products available at my Threadless shop.

A secondary location for several of my albums, along with a couple of silly videos I made.  

Other Stuff I Like:

A website for creating and listening to soundscapes.  I listen to them a lot while I'm working. 

Children of Eldair
A fantasy webcomic written and illustrated by my cousin, and boasts amazing art in addition to a great story. 

The Far Side Official Website
This comic, together with Calvin and Hobbes, was one of the big influences when I started drawing cartoons.  That probably explains a lot.

Folklore of the Night
The blog of G. Eric Haroldsen, author of Carpathian Nights, and also my dad.  Contains articles detailing the historical folklore of ghosts, vampires, and the like, and also some excerpts from his stories. 

RPM Challenge
An annual challenge to record an album's worth of music in the month of February, which I've participated in several times.  You can find more info on the RPM Challenge here

Square Root of Minus Garfield
A Garfield parody comic in which submitters rework existing Garfield strips in just about any way they can imagine (as long as it stays safe-for-work).  This includes, but isn't limited to, corrections, rewriting dialogue as haikus, inserting other characters, mashing up multiple strips, warping a strip according to a mathematical formula, and reinterpreting premises.  And I may or may not have contributed to this chaos at some point. 

Studio C
Probably the best sketch comedy group around. 

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