Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Creep

Christmas Creep supervillian sits at computer: Mwah-ha-ha  Soon there'll be Christmas advertisements in January  Explosion behind him  Boom  He is surrounded by huge crowd of superheroes  Um wow  I didn't even know there were this many heroes  Wait, aren'te some of you retired  Aeriform: You don't mess with Christmas

The Christmas Creep is a supervillian, and he aims to make us sick of Christmas by pushing merchandising to the extremes.  Normally I'd say to eliminate with extreme prejudice, but I'm not sure that's really in the Christmas spirit either. 

Note:  Yes, this week's comic is far from being called complete (between how many characters are involved and real-world stresses, this is semi-justifiable).  But I figured it's at least in a complete-enough stage that everyone can still get the joke, so today you get a behind-the-scenes look at how these things are put together.  I promise I'll finish the lineart and coloring ...eventually. 

EDIT:  I finally finished it!  It only took, what, an extra month or so?  Anyway, I figured this was historic enough (even if not in all the right ways) that I'm keeping the original sketch around for posterity.  (click to enlarge)

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