Saturday, June 15, 2024

No More Mushroom

Man:  You live in the middle of nowhere.  What do you mean you're dealing with urban expansion? Old Woman:  Look in the backyard. He sees the backyard is filled with mushrooms, which a closeup view shows are tons of little houses for woodland sprites.   Man:  Mushrooms?  Oh, now I get it.

Hopefully they're benevolent new neighbors, or this could get really ugly really fast. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024


The mythical Lavander (lava lavender flowers)

 Volcanoes don't generally smell nice, except where these are growing. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Poodle Revolution

A crowd of poodle dogs march down the street in a protest, carrying signs like "Viva la Poodle!", "No more stupid haircuts!", "Say no to the continental clip"

For reference, the "continental clip" is the official name of that particularly silly haircut used for poodles in dog shows.  In theory it's based on the haircut used for poodles who actually needed to swim, or at least is a caricature of it.  Meanwhile, multicolored poodles are prohibited from competition.  Not the dumbest thing to ever show up in conformity shows, but still worth an eye-roll. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Stinging Petal

Flowers to run away from:  flowers with patterns resembling skulls, bloodstains, eyes, teeth, radiation, and disco.

Not a single one is the result of natural selection.  

Yes, this one is a day late.  My brain wasn't functioning yesterday.  Possibly not today either, judging by this.