Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Dream of Steampunk

Girl finds steampunk kitty picture online  Steampunk  What's that  She does a Google search  It's so beautiful  I must steampunk things  Gearz much and many  Steampunk everything  Steampunk the world  Sister: Mom

And thus was the shiny modern era overtaken by an archaic view of the future.  But there are cool goggles, so it's all good. 

Throw in some cake and a few more small fuzzy animals, and this would be my sister's idea of paradise. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Icing the Body Electric

One android decorates a cake while another pipes icing on him

Yes, puns are an extremely low form of humor.  However, you get cake and a pair of cute, colorful androids in the process, so don't complain. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

High School Lesson #2921

Student is pinned upside-down to the wall with pencils  Teacher: So, what have we learned today  Student: Don't cheat, don't lie, and show respect, Ma'am  Teacher: Very good  Most teachers are surprisingly adequate in combat techniques

Pens and pencils are sharp and plentiful around places of education.  Please keep this in mind before you decide to tick off your teacher. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Middleman

Man has a blood unit hooked to his arm, while a vampire drinks blood from his neck  This is going to be one of those kinds of days, isn't it

Quick question:  If vampires are those who extend their lives by intaking blood of others, does that mean that anyone who's had a blood transfusion is a vampire?

Just wondering....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So Let it be Sung

And thus was the electric guitar created, and the world rejoiced  And the new generation did proceed to blast out the ears of the elders  And it was good  Amen

The first electric guitar was invented by George Beauchamp in 1931.  See?  This blog is educational!

So let it be written....