Saturday, February 22, 2014

Organ Transplant

Pipe organ built into a human heart

The result of my 30-second crash course in heart anatomy.  You're welcome. 
I've kind of had music on the brain lately (not literally (I think)), as I've been trying to finish up my contributions for this year's RPM Challenge.  Which reminds me, if you don't hear from me again after this it means I musicked myself to death (is that a word?).  Or I've been hospitalized and am in need of what is depicted above. 

Now back to work.  Symphony to finish. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dances with Werewolves

Werewolf Mom and Dad dance in the kitchen on the full moon  Music: In touch with the ground, I'm on the hunt I'm after you, Scent and a sound, I'm lost and I'm found, and I'm hungry like the wolf  Daughters watch: Are other people's parents this weird  Not a clue

It's a good kind of weird, though.

I planned on doing this comic for Valentine's Day weeks ago, and then recently discovered that this year the holiday lands on a full moon.  Clearly this was meant to be.

I love it when a plan comes together. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wardrobe Malfunction

Snowy day  Vampire walks by with torn cape  You got your cape frozen to the ground again  Why do we even wear these things

They wear them for style, of course!
And also to provide a stereotypical shorthand so I don't have to explain the joke every time I draw a cartoon about vampires.  Which is about a quarter of the time. 

But mostly style. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014