Friday, November 28, 2014

Customer Service

Homeowner: Mwa-ha-ha  I am the lord and master here  You only live to serve me, puny mortal  Chichen Itza Pizza delivery girl: Um, yeah  You gonna pay for this pizza

Some people just can't handle the convenience of delivery service.  

They say the customer is always right.  This saying is immediately and irrevocably void when the customer has skimped out on his medication(s). 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Random Speed

Roadside construction worker puts up signs reading Speed Limit 35, Speed Limit 65, Speed Limit 10, and Speed Limit 62 1/2 and a half  Supervisor: You're fired

I remember back in Drivers Ed, when my instructor would get so upset if a student asked what the speed limit was right after passing a speed limit sign.  I'm pretty sure that if something like this ever came up, even he would give up on trying to pay attention. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pipes and Paws

Highlands bagpiper tries to play his bagpipes, but a cat plays with the tassles

Ah, the grandeur of the Highlands.  If the local cats will allow it. 

On a related note, the people who say a bagpipe sounds like a dying cat are seriously exaggerating (which is, to clarify, not the point of this comic).  They only sound like that when they're being played wrong.  The sounds other instruments make when played wrong aren't any more pleasant (although maybe a little quieter).
For example, a trumpet played wrong sounds like a sick horse, a tuba played wrong sounds like an elephant sneezing, and a clarinet played wrong sounds almost exactly like a Canadian goose.  Get enough badly played instruments and you could have a whole zoo. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Midnight Stake

Mel sits in her loft bed: Listen, Pearl  I appreciate your work ethic, but can you plot to kill our roommate at a time other than 1:30 AM  Pearl kneels before a makeshift, candle-lit alter with garlic and a cross: This is when she stalks the kitchen  Now hush up  I need to consecrate this ax  Poster: Stake Now and Ask Later

One of Mel's roommates is a vampire, and the other is insane.  This won't end well.  For anyone.

Admittedly, this is at least quieter than the people who helpfully decide to crank up the tunes at 3:00 AM.  Or at least, it will be until roommates start trying to ax-murder each other.
Never mind.  It's still quieter.