Friday, May 29, 2015

Two Pairs of Fangs

One of these is a regular snake  The other is a vampire  One puts venom into you  The other sucks blood out of you  Both have fangs  Learn the difference before it's too late

The vampire is the more evil, mysterious-looking one. 
...yeah, I can't tell the difference either. 

Granted, they'll both kill you anyway, but if you're insistent on surviving it's useful to know if you'll need an anti-venom or a blood transfusion. 

Friday, May 22, 2015


Thoroughly impractical ways to open a coconut  Machete, shotgun, jackhammer, nuclear missle atom bomb
Oh look.  It's raining nuclear fallout and coconut milk.  Fancy that. 

One semester while in college, a pair of my roommates bought themselves a coconut, only to realize a little too late that they had no idea how to get the thing open.  Thus, they resorted to hacking at it repeatedly with a variety of knives.  About an hour and a few tons of shrapnel scattered across the kitchen table later, they finally succeeded.  Unfortunately after all that, they discovered that this particular coconut didn't taste very good.  Though having its insides tainted with the aforementioned shrapnel probably didn't help.  The leftover pieces proceeded to languish in the refrigerator for a few weeks, with the rest of us not daring to touch them, as the roommates in question were known to be both violent and rather possessive of their foodstuffs.  After a while, the coconut disappeared, never to be seen again.  The fridge probably ate it

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Entry: Disaster Area

D  Disaster Area  picture of messy bedroom  This  Good luck  Dad reads Illuustrious Illustrated Encyclopedia: Your bedroom is in the encyclopedia  Did you know  Son: Very funny, Dad  wait a minute

The universe has ways of letting you know when it's time to clean your room. 

Other signs include:
-You discover Bigfoot has been hiding in your room for years.
-Your unwashed clothing has achieved sentience.
-The smell of your room has deafened people.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Drink Blood!!!

Drink Blood  It's good for your heart  Contains iron, protein, and other essential nutrients  Approved by the National Board for Vampire Health  No humans were harmed in the making of this advertisement  By no, we mean several  Vampire holds glass of blood

It's great for your health!!! 

...just not so great for everyone else's.