Friday, August 28, 2015

Killer Ponies

Parents see daughter playing with ponies  Dad: She's so cute when she plays with her toys  Mom: She sure is  Little girl holds a pony and a princess doll: Great job, Lemonade  Now we can feed Princess Shimmerella to the minotaur  What's that  Oh yes, we do need to burn her remains afterward

Don't tell me little kids aren't like this.  I know little kids.  I know what they're like.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Access Denied

Man camping crawls out of tent with toilet paper, and comes face-to-face with angry buffalo

Nature has a few ways, in varying degrees, of letting you know when it's time to head back to civilization.  Most of them aren't things you want in your face first thing in the morning. 
2,000 pounds of bisonian death is just one of them. 

Friday, August 14, 2015


Winter  Woman freezes outside  Come on, Sun  Let's get some heat over here  Summer  Woman dumps water over head while surrounded by fans and making phone call  Hello  Yes, I was wondering if it's possible to put a restraining order on a celestial body

The second panel is the reason why I don't complain about rainstorms.  "Good" weather is relative.