Friday, December 30, 2016

Winter Warfare

Andrew throws a snowball at Anni Seed  Headss up  He looks in dismay as Anni and her cousin Pepper Mint use Pepper's antlers as a slingshot for a giant snowball  Andrew: That's not fair  Anni and Pepper: All is fair in love and war

Never engage a cartoon deer in an arms race.  And never use the phrase "arms race" in front of one, because she might decide to interpret it literally. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Gift Exchange

Steve and Mel laugh, realizing that they gave each other the same present, vampire repellant, for Christmas

When cousins or roommates threaten to drain your blood for long enough, you develop a reputation. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Santa Q&A

Santa answers letters  Dear Santa, What is your opinion on browser cookies  Not as tasty as real cookies, but they have their uses  Dear Santa, Where did the fat Santa stereotype come from  The Great Cookie Binge of 1821  Never live it down  Dear Santa, Who was responsible for the creepy lyrics in Santa Claus is Coming to Town  Black Pete: Heh  Santa: Yes, would you like to explain that one, Pete  Dear Santa, What's your favorite color  Green

But Mrs. Claus thinks he looks good in red, so he goes along with it. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Tinsel and Error

Girl prepares a catapult: Tinsel  Brother: Tinsel  Girl: Ready, aim, Fire  The tinsel lands in a lump on the Christmas Tree  Dad: I could have told you it wouldn't work  Girl: It just needs to be evened out  Do we have another box of tinsel
It turns out that the word "tinsel" specifically means the shiny strands attached to a string as a garland (you know, the kind that looks like a feather boa).  The individual strands are called "lametta."  And there's probably almost two people in the country that actually care.