Friday, January 26, 2018

Averaged Out

Steve arrives at Mel's apartment: Hey, Mel!  Are you-  An ax comes flying out the door.  Pearl comes to retrieve it: Sorry!  'Scuse me, pardon me.  She runs back into the apartment.  Eat cold steel, you bloodsucker!  Mel hurries out and slams the door.  Steve: ...So, an average day for your roommates?  Mel: A bit better, actually.  But I don't want to be here when the assistant manager finds out they've smashed another chair.

Normal is subjective.  But it still probably shouldn't involve flying blades. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Lucky Me

Chandelier: Are you sure these are good luck?  Lady: That's what the humans say.  Chandelier: But why?  Lady: Beats me.  Bear: Shhh, here they come.  The humans exiting the house look down in horror as the cats at the bottom of the steps display their conquest.  Lady: We brought you some lucky rabbit feet!!!

Based on an incident that happened last summer, courtesy of the local cats.  The cream one is Chandelier, the black one is Comet, the gray one is Bear, and the brown one is Lady Nimbus, Duchess of Floof. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Highway Hazards

A driver on the highway is pretty calm despite dealing with maniac drivers (Relax.  I've got this.), road construction (Not too bad.  We should still get there in plenty of time.), and heavy fog (I can still see the lane lines and the guy in front of me.  We're fine.), but freaks out epically when the radio station cuts off the last minute of "Rosanna."  (Instrumental does not mean optional!!!  Passenger:  Eyes on the road, Frank.)

You've all heard it.  Intros cut.  Outros cut.  Bridges and interludes cut.  DJs talking over the music right up until the vocals come in.  Apparently someone thinks that listeners have the attention spans of fruit flies and can't handle anything that's instrumental or is over four minutes in length.  Oddly enough, "American Pie" is over eight minutes long, but has been spared the ignominy of the radio edit. 
Anyway.  A thousand shames on the heads of those responsible.  May the uncut version of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" haunt your dreams forevermore. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Neptune Knights

Mer-knights joust on narwhals
It had to happen eventually. 
All we need now are unicorns jousting while riding narwhals.  Or possibly triceratops, if I can come up with a good absurd enough explanation for why or how on earth a situation like that would come up.  I'll leave it to your judgment to decide whether I meant unicorns riding triceratops or triceratops riding narwhals. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Music of Starlight

Animation of mystic girl dancing in the snow under the stars

Some of you who have been reading my comics for while might have noticed that I failed to post a Christmas Day animation like I have in past years, and may have wondered if I forgot.  I didn't.  Due to a number of conflicts, it was only half-done by the 25th, so a postponement was deemed necessary.  And since the ninth day of Christmas is traditionally associated with ladies dancing, I figured that today was an appropriate time to post it.  So here it is!  Merry (ninth day of) Christmas, and a happy New Year!