Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

High School Lesson #4681

Is there anything on your proposed menu that isn't a fruit?  High School Lesson #4681: When trying to get a flying fox elected as student body president, you better be prepared for the consequences should you succeed.

I don't think I ever really knew who anyone in the student government at my high school was.  Or what they did.  Did they actually do anything, or was it all just an excuse to put up funny election posters?

Friday, February 9, 2018


A little girl walks in on her mother putting on lipstick.  Girl: Mom, can I ask a question?Mother: Absolutely.  Girl: Why is smearing colored paste around the opening where you shove in food considered attractive?  The mother is next shown sitting with some friends.  Mother: ...And that's how my daughter ruined lipstick for me.  Friend: It could be worse.  My kid ruined kissing for me.

I drew this a couple weeks back because it amused me, and I'm posting it now because I'm too tired to think of anything else.  Also, there's apparently some sort of holiday coming up that has to do with kissing (not the one with mistletoe, the other one), so it's somewhat relevant.  Ish. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Last Gift of Christmas

As the Christmas tree is removed, a thick trail of shedded needles is left in its wake.  Person 1:  Oh, look.  The tree left us a brand-new carpet.  Person 2:  I think I can hear the vacuum crying.

If you want, you can consider Candlemas (February 2nd) to be the lattermost end of the Christmas season.  You can even keep some of your decorations up until then.  But leaving up your Christmas tree is generally not recommended, particularly if you're the kind of person who puts it up at the beginning of December.