Friday, July 27, 2018

Soggy Story

It's getting rainy outside, so Andrew starts to open an umbrella as he's stepping out.  Andrew:  I'm heading to the store.  Need anything?  He starts to open his umbrella.  Anni:  Well, we're running low on...  No, wait-!  An enourmous amount of water (along with a few small sea critters) dumps out from inside the umbrella, thouroughly soaking Andrew.  He calmly surveys the situation, while Anni shifts around uncomfortably.  Andrew:  Why?  Anni:  An unfortunate incident involving some camels from the zoo and a kumquat.  Andrew:  Just get a mop.

Probably should have put a warning label on that thing, or something.

Funnily enough, my town got hit by some flooding right after I started drawing this.  As far as I know, neither is related to the other except by coincidence.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Colorful puppy dogs play in the starry sky

I painted this a while back, and decided to post it because why not?  We all need some happy, colorful space puppies in our lives, right?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Astronomical Robotics Titles

Rocket scientists need a love for exploring the unknown, expertise in math and engineering, and the ability to create awesomely improbable acronyms.  Displayed are the probes SELENE, MESSENGER, IKAROS, DSCOVR, THEMIS, OSIRIS-REx...  "...JUICE?"  "Funny story."

What, you thought I was joking?
It should be interesting to see what kind of press the "JUpiter ICy moons Explorer" gets once it's launched (scheduled for 2022).