Friday, February 28, 2020

Milk Sideburns

Two boys drink milk with their cookies.  One has a milk mustache, while the other has milk sideburns.

There's probably a way to top this, but it would probably result in the requirement for a mop, eight towels, some very irritated parents (your own and others), and mandatory usage of a sippy cup for the next twenty-three years. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Combination Block

Friend:  You okay?  Composer:  I can't think of a title for this song.  I'm pretty sure I've already used every combination of words in the English language at least once.  Friend:  So you've already used "Baiting Tangerine Monkeys from Miranda"?  Composer (studying the sheet music):  ...that works surprisingly well.  Friend:  You're welcome.

Last year someone made a comment to this effect on the RPM website.  This is what we call "asking for it," because what followed was, predictably, an onslaught of suggestions for utterly bizarre song titles that I'm very certain had not been used before.  
But it's not the first time that a composer's friend had a hand in inventing a silly title - apparently Beethoven's "Rage Over a Lost Penny" got its name this way. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Not Kitten

A boy is down on one knee, bearing in his mouth a mouse he caught.  His girlfriend feigns enthusiasm:  For me?  ...that's so thoughtful!  Perils of dating a werecat.

If she still wants to kiss him after this, that's love.  And also grounds for raising her health insurance premiums. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Blood Dope

A vampire sits in a recliner, piles of empty IV packs on the floor around him.  His friend grimaces in disgust.  Friend:  It may be time for you to consider help.  Please.

Sloth, gluttony, and general slobbitude all wrapped up in a nice little package that makes even other vampires cringe.  It's almost poetic.