Friday, November 27, 2020

Radio Gremlins

Head Gremlin:  Thank you for coming, radio gremlins.  Now, how can we best drive listeners crazy during the Christmas season?  G1:  We can start playing Christmas music in November, and then promptly cut off at 11:00 PM on December 25th.  HG:  Ah, an excellent start.  G2:  We could arrange to have every station in town play "The Twelve Days of Christmas" at the same time.  HG:  Good, good...  G3:  Play songs from Christmas movies that aren't actually Christmas songs.  HG:  Almost there...  G4:  "Dominick the Donkey"?  Everyone else:  Yes!!!

To their credit, I don't think the local radio station ever actually played "Dominick the Donkey" last year.  I may have sent them an email specifically begging them not to, but that's beside the point.  I'm probably not the only one who thought some gremlins needed to be cleaned out of the system. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

A Thyme and a Seasoning

While preparing for the First Thanksgiving, a pilgrim man mistakes gunpowder for herbs, to the exasperation and/or amusement of everyone else.   Pilgrim woman:  How did you mix up herbs with gunpowder? The First Thanksgiving feast was cooked by four pilgrim women.  Now you know why.

Having the quality of going "kaboom" does not make it a suitable spice.  

So back in Kindergarten, my classmates and I all got to dress up in little paper costume accessories for Thanksgiving, and I wound up being the only girl who chose to be a pilgrim instead of a Native American.  I didn't find out until years later that this was unintentionally accurate - there were only four pilgrim women in charge of cooking because four is all that survived that long (we're not counting their daughters, who also helped with the food).  They were greatly outnumbered by the men, which were greatly outnumbered by the Native Americans.  So my Kindergarten class turned out to be proportionally just about right.  Funny how stuff like that happens. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Formal Complaint

Goats see snow falling. Galahad:  Oh no... Wisp:  Not again. Ginger:  What is that stuff? Goats bellow over the fence at Erin.   Goats:  The ground is white and we are offended!

 Same thing happens every year.  The screams of outrage don't change anything (unless they somehow contribute to Global Warming), but it at least makes our goat friends feel better.  Probably. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Holiday Crossover

A family starts putting up Christmas yard decorations almost immediately after Halloween is over, but forget to take down the Caution tape and fake blood splatters decorating the windows.  Their neighbors think it's hilarious.   Yeah, we probably should've taken down our Halloween decorations first.

Remember back in grade school when the math teachers would drill the order of operations into your heads, because Very Bad Things would happen if you got them out of order?  

Turns out it's not just for math.  

And before anyone asks, yes, this is based on a real house I saw last year.