Friday, January 29, 2021

Mistakes Were Made

A goat is stuck inside a hay cage.  Goat:  I... may have made a small miscalculation.  A little help?  Goat 2:  You're on your own.

 Just because you can jump into the feed bin doesn't mean it's a good idea.  

These were some goats I saw at the state fair a few years back, so I don't know if this particular goat was already in a habit of trying to be clever.  But if he's anything like the goats I know, probably. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

An Introduction to Nature

Cat:  I seem to find myself in a garden, surrounded by flowers and the tranquil delights of nature.  AAAAAAUUUGH!!!

Being stranded among beautiful plant life builds character! 

I know it's the middle of winter, but I found these photos and couldn't resist. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Queens of the Mountain

A baby goat plays on some concrete blocks.  Zaza:  I'm the queen of the mountain!  Juju:  Yeah, you're higher than me by what, four inches?  Zaza:  Spoilsport.  Juju:  Come on, it's really just...  Hey, this does feel kind of high.  Are those the tops of clouds?  Zaza:  I know, right?  I can see for miles!

 Goats of all ages love climbing mountains, including the ones made from imagination. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

A Glorious New Year

Cat sitting on a fence:  Ah... a glorious new year filled with endless possibilities!  She looks over her shoulder.  Cat:  I'll pretend I didn't see that cyborg grizzly.

 Have I jinxed things enough today?   
So after busting my wrist a couple weeks ago, I went hunting for alternate ways to make comics.  My present solution, as illustrated above, involves sending old photos I've taken through the Deep Dream Generator to look more artsy and assembling them into a page.  All things considered, I'm pretty happy with the result, so I'll probably keep experimenting with this until I can draw again.