Friday, February 26, 2021

Degrees of Action

12-degree Fahrenheit weather in different locations:  Georgia:  Doomsday  West Virginia:  I'll find the warm coats.  Wyoming:  So... Tuesday?  Minnesota:  Time to wash the car

 I'm told that the Minnesota thing is true.  Somehow.  

In other news, I'm back!  The photo comics were kind of fun, and I'll probably do more sometime, but it feels good to be drawing these again. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Designated Babysitter

Lioness:  I won't be long.  Have fun, you two!  Lion:  By my calculation, it's been three minutes.  Cub:  Ooh, and next we can pretend to be dinosaurs, or eat a tree, or spin in circles really fast-!  Lion:  It's going to be a very long day.

 It's a tough job, but he'll rise to the challenge.  After all, his pride is at stake.  

I originally was going to do a Valentine's Day comic, also featuring modified lion photos.  Then I realized halfway through that it wasn't working, and wouldn't be able to salvage it in time.  Thus this.  Oh well.  

Oh, and before anyone asks, my wrist is healing well, and I can draw again!  But I have a few other art projects I'm trying to stay on top of, so I'm trying not to overdo it.  Should be back to regular comics soon, though.