Friday, August 27, 2021

Having a Ball

Car gets pulled over for having its headlights aimed at a mounted disco ball.  Cop:  Do I even need to spell out why I pulled you over?  Driver:  Actually, I'm kind of surprised I got away with it for this long.

And that's a ticket for unauthorized vehicular modification, a ticket for compromising highway safety, and a ticket for causing a UFO panic. 

Friday, August 20, 2021


Little girls, wearing makeshift superhero costumes:  We're Team Super Sparkle Kitty, and together we can do anything!  Older brother, snarkily while playing a game boy:  So does that mean you can turn the Sahara Desert into frozen pink limeade?  Twenty years later, they're shown standing in the frozen desert, personal plane parked nearby, with the brother.  Brother:  Oh yeah.  I guess I did say that.  Sister (smirking while handing him a snow cone):  Come on.  Eat your words!

If all those teamwork-centric little kids' TV shows were taken to their logical conclusion. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Mandatory Grilling

The kids "finish off" their veggies using flamethrowers, much to their mother's displeasure.  Boy:  Mom, we finished off our vegetables like you told us!  Girl:  Dessert now, please-and-thank-you?

Neither letter of the law nor spirit of the law, but maybe they'll get points for creativity. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Run on the Blood Bank

Some vampires attempt to make a "run on the blood bank."  Vampires:  Chaaaarge!!!  Worker:  Ready the bazookas.

 Otherwise known as the reason why a large percentage of medical workers have also graduated from the Van Helsing Institute of Vampire Smiting.