Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

Champion of the Joust

A knight at a jousting tournament is dismayed to find that his opponent is an actual centaur (who is very popular with the ladies).  "Oh, come on!  How is this fair?"

Good luck knocking this guy off his horse.  

It occurred to me that I've drawn quite a few jousting-themed comics.  I don't know why it keeps happening.  But I'm okay with this. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Pop-Up Book

A dad observes as his child's new popup book fires a rocket into the air.  "They didn't make them like that when I was a kid."

Well, that's one way to make science interactive.  And also to take out the ceiling fan, but try not to worry about that. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Scheduling Troubles

Two people look at a message on a bulletin board that reads "There is trouble scheduled at 4:00 this afternoon."  Guy:  At least they're up front about it this time.  Girl:  "This time"?

Secure your passwords and put on a helmet.  It's going to be one of those days.  

The question is, does knowing make things easier, or is it the anticipation that kills?