Friday, April 29, 2022

Sabertooth Kitten

Little cavegirl with a sabertooth kitten

You probably don't want to know what a prehistoric crazy cat lady is like.  

Actually, I take that back.  I'm jotting that down as an idea for a future comic. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Sines of the Times

Teenagers in robes gather around a math-themed altar.  Mother:  I thought you were doing homework.  Kid:  We're seeking a sine!

Probably also seeking a cosine.  Probably not the most efficient way to do math homework. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Origin of Bowling

Ancient Egyptian papyrus showing Pharaoh bowling with his crowns as pins

I checked, and turns out the ancient Egyptians really did invent bowling!  Probably used different pins, though. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Mouthing Off

Anni and Andrew eat at a fast-food restaurant.  Friend:  I'm surprised that someone without a visible mouth can eat so much.  Andrew:  She's a toon.  She can do what she likes.  *beat*  Do you have a mouth?  Anni:  That's classified.

Ever have those moments when you suddenly take notice of something that previously registered as completely normal?