Friday, December 30, 2022

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Tree House

a tree house decorated with Christmas lights and ornaments

I'm not sure this is the intended meaning of "deck the halls," but we'll allow it.  

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday, December 16, 2022

March of the Kings

T-rexes as wise men

Granted, they're tyrant lizard kings, but close enough.  

As a side note, for some reason "March of the Kings" is one of the songs I frequent when idly humming.  At all times of the year.  I have no idea why that particular song stuck. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas Avalanche

A mailman is overwhelmed by a flood of letters erupting from a mailbox.   "How many letters to Santa did you write?!?"

Definitely too much of a good thing.  

Note:  I'll color this thing properly eventually, but right now I need sleep.   

Edit:  And now there's color!  It's a pre-Christmas miracle! 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Adventurous Calendar

A zookeeper constructs an advent calendar for the snow leopards, consisting of 24 meats tied to a long garland, with one being snipped off and dropping into the enclosure every day.   fellow zookeeper:  When you said you were making an advent calendar for the snow leopards, I somehow knew this is what you meant, but prayed I was wrong.

Start placing your bets on how long it'll take before the leopards get an advance sample of the rest of the days.