Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

Just Add Gills

Dolphins to their friend, who's holding some fake shark-toothed jaws:  "We'd really appreciate it if you'd stop pretending to be a shark."

Given that dolphins can take on sharks and win, they really don't need to be any scarier. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

In the Doghouse

A werewolf family has to bail their uncle out of the animal shelter.   A man stands inside a kennel at the dog pound, looking sheepish.   Uncle:  Hi.   Worker:  Your uncle? Niece:  I keep telling him to stay out of trouble on the full moon.

A little easier to get bailed out of than some places.  Just a bit more awkward.  

Friday, March 10, 2023

Trail Trial

Anni does a take on the classic ski-trail-around-both-sides-of-the-tree gag, but using a snowboard. Andrew:  Show-off.

Anni's take on a classic gag.  Slightly more complicated to pull off with a snowboard than with skis. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Gorgon Rapunzel

Prince:  Rapunzel, let down your -EEK! Extremely long snakes reach down and pick him up.   Prince:  I think I missed something.   Gorgon!Rapunzel:  Friend!

One of Medusa's lesser-known relatives.  She has no trouble reaching the top shelf.