Friday, August 25, 2023

Composition Crash

Erin gets an email announcing the composition assignment is due at noon.  Quickly prints it out and dashes to the Snow building.  Runs into Stephen. Erin:  You got the email too? Stephen:  What email? Erin:  The one about our composition assignment. Stephen:  No.  That reminds me.  I need to work on it.   Erin:  The email said it's due in about five minutes. Stephen looks at her in horror for a moment, then dashes off.   Erin:  Just keep walking.  He'll be okay.  Just keep walking...

True story from college, courtesy of the Composition Teacher From the Infernal Pit.   You know, I never found out what the fallout for my classmate was. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023

Hibiscus Moon

Werewolf on a tropical beach under a full moon with hibiscus flowers

Full moons can be mysterious and spooky, or bright and tropical.  Or both! 

I originally started drawing this as a project for Threadless, but thought people over here would appreciate it too. 

Friday, August 4, 2023