Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday Deal

A banner in a library advertises a Black Friday Sale:  Check out any book free with library card! Patron:  Librarians have a weird sense of humor.

And yes, I'm sorely tempted to hang up an ad like this, just see how many people would take it seriously.  

Friday, November 10, 2023


A jellyfish says "If I only had a brain."

 What do you do when you need to draw something completely brainless?  This, of course. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

High School Lesson #4814

#4812:  Don't count on your teacher to accept falling through a trans-dimensional portal in your locker as a good enough reason to miss class, even if it's true.   #4813:  Said teacher won't accept losing your homework through the trans-dimensional portal in your locker as a valid excuse either.   #4814:  Shoving your teacher through the trans-dimensional portal in your locker to prove your point is not the best move.

There's a moral to this story, but I'm not sure if it benefits the student or teacher more.