Saturday, March 10, 2012


Video is being recorded of Steve, Mel, and Mark  Steve: Today we'll be documenting the elusive Rocky Mountain Vampire  Dylan operates camera: So why are you all wearing earmuffs  Vampire leaps from bushes: Mwah-ha-ha  Dylan: What the  Argh  I've got stakes and I'm not afraid to use them  Get off me, you fiend  What are you aAAAAAAA  Camera is knocked over, vampire snorts blood from his ear  Mark: I take it no one told him that these vampires attack, er, differently  Mel: Oh gross

I'm not making this up.  Rocky Mountain vampires really were supposed to snort blood from their victim's ear.  No, I don't get it either.  My guess is that we have an intoxicated Shoshone guy to thank for this. 

But in the meantime, I get to amuse myself by wreaking havoc with the dreams of little Twilight fans.

You're welcome.

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