Friday, September 23, 2011

Beware of Unicorn

Boy pushes a girl  Girl: Hey  My friend will beat you up if you don't be nice  Boy: What friend  Girl: She's a unicorn  Boy: Bwa-ha-ha  What's she going to do, sparkle me to death  Gah  A firey Asian unicorn pounces at him: Should I chase him  Girl: Nah, I think he's learned his lesson

Some people would call this a Kirin, which in modern usage is depicted as a dragon-like Japanese unicorn.  However, they traditionally were more like dragon-deer, and were considered completely different entities from unicorns.  This beastie actually has more in common with the Chinese Sin-you, which was more lion-like, but had the single unicorn horn.  In both cases, they enjoy showing up at courtrooms, where they free the innocent and slay the guilty. 

They're also pretty effective against schoolyard bullies.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rough Day

Boy walks in the door with a vampire biting his ankle  Don't ask
I myself would dearly love to hear the story behind this one. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Geometry Class

Two honeybees stand in the middle of a room of botched honeycomb attempts  For the last time, honeycomb has six sides  Now let's try this again

I don't think this one is going to pass the final. 

The teacher has my profound sympathy.

Friday, September 2, 2011

High School Lesson #3654

Make sure the girl you like has a reflection before you ask her to the prom

Unless, of course, you don't mind waking up the next morning in serious need of a blood transfusion.  Or unless you're already at least part vampire, in which case I'd say go for it. 

I have many more High School Lesson cartoons on the way, so stay tuned.