Friday, January 27, 2012

Don't Forget My Unicorns

Unicorns board a rocket ship instead of Noah's Ark  Well, you seemed pretty crowded already

Unicorns in Space!!!!

What, did you really think Noah would have saved the mosquitoes, but not the unicorns?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Infernal Creatures

Erin tries to descend stairs without stepping on kittens  Get out of my way, you annoying fuzzballs  I'm going to trip over you one of these days  Kittens stare upward with big eyes  Oh no  Don't you dare  You stop looking cute this instant  She sighs as she sits down and pets the kittens

One of the feral cats that hangs around my house managed to have a pair of extremely adorable kittens, which use said powers of adorableness to plague us in this exact fashion. 

At one point my family dubbed them Dante and Inferno, which turned out to be far more appropriate than we could have imagined.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Daydream Disbeliever

Man hangs upside-down from the top of a building by a rope, which is being cut by a vampire  Below him are surreal multicolored flames, happy butterflies and bunnies, and a giant smiling flower  Why can't I ever wake up when I want to

No, I have never had a dream like this.

Mine generally make even less sense.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wizards of Winter

Erin and siblings look outside the window  Sister: I can't believe it  We barely got any snow for Christmas, and now what we have is melting  Erin: There's only option left:  We must do a snow dance  Sister: This is gonna be awesome  Erin: All right  Let's make a list of what we'll need  They all pitch in ideas: We'll need a milk bottle and oregano  My soul-eating unicorn  Lots of stuffed tigers  Sunglasses  A toga  Tie-dye shirts  And some Sunny D  Ice cream  A chicken hat  Some ribbons  Rubber balls  A bunch of rubber duckies  And a book by Daniel Pinkwater  Brother: We'll have to wait 'till tomorrow to do it, but it will be worth the wait  The Next Morning: Erin wakes up, looks out the windw, and sees that it's snowing  Erin: We scared the weather into submission just by planning a snow dance  Sister runs outside: We are awesome

Not pictured is our parents giving us very odd looks, or my mother telling us that going through with our little ritual would open a gateway to the underworld. 

Where I live, it is considered perfectly normal to have snow and below-freezing temperatures from October through April.  When it isn't, then we know that something is wrong with the universe, and the appropriated counter-measures must be taken. 
Like doing a Snow Dance. 

Oh, and in case you're wondering about the soul-eating unicorn, here she is:

Sweet dreams.