Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wizards of Winter

Erin and siblings look outside the window  Sister: I can't believe it  We barely got any snow for Christmas, and now what we have is melting  Erin: There's only option left:  We must do a snow dance  Sister: This is gonna be awesome  Erin: All right  Let's make a list of what we'll need  They all pitch in ideas: We'll need a milk bottle and oregano  My soul-eating unicorn  Lots of stuffed tigers  Sunglasses  A toga  Tie-dye shirts  And some Sunny D  Ice cream  A chicken hat  Some ribbons  Rubber balls  A bunch of rubber duckies  And a book by Daniel Pinkwater  Brother: We'll have to wait 'till tomorrow to do it, but it will be worth the wait  The Next Morning: Erin wakes up, looks out the windw, and sees that it's snowing  Erin: We scared the weather into submission just by planning a snow dance  Sister runs outside: We are awesome

Not pictured is our parents giving us very odd looks, or my mother telling us that going through with our little ritual would open a gateway to the underworld. 

Where I live, it is considered perfectly normal to have snow and below-freezing temperatures from October through April.  When it isn't, then we know that something is wrong with the universe, and the appropriated counter-measures must be taken. 
Like doing a Snow Dance. 

Oh, and in case you're wondering about the soul-eating unicorn, here she is:

Sweet dreams.

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