Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year-End Bonus

Santa Claus: Are we all here  Good  Let's proceed with the business, then  Santa pours out a bag filled with cookies onto a table, surrounded by Mrs Claus, Black Pete, Knecht Ruprecht, Jack Frost, La Befana, Olentzero, Krampus, Christkind, and the Three Kings  King: Dividing up the cookies  Befana: You saved some pecan cookies this time, right  Pete: Why are Befana and the Wise Guys getting some  They don't work 'till Epiphany  Ruprecht: So they can get some before you eat them all

What, you thought Santa was going to eat all those cookies by himself?

Here, we have pictured Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Black Pete, the Three Kings, Christkind, Knecht Ruprecht, Jack Frost, Krampus, Olentzero, and La Befana, which all help out with Christmas one way or another.  I was tempted to add in the Yule Lads as well, but given that there are thirteen of them and my hand was cramping up, I decided not to.  Same reason for not putting in any elves or reindeer.  Don't worry, they still get cookies too. 

And it just occurred to me that it is really weird to see Christkind and Krampus in the same room.

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