Saturday, December 10, 2011

O Christmas Tree

Christmas tree salespeople try to sell Hades trees that are black, dead, or burning  Wait, your Underworld lord-ness  We still have more selections that would be perfect for you  Persephone: Er, should I ask  Hades: Next time, you're getting the Christmas tree  Salesperson: So if they're pagan deities, then why are they celebrating  Hades: Just give us a normal Christmas tree already

Some stereotypes are hard to overcome.
What I want to know is, why on Earth did they have a flaming Christmas tree in the first place?

Here we have Hades, Lord of the Underworld, joined by his lovely wife Persephone. 

Don't worry.  They get a happy ending:
Hades and Persephone decorate their Christmas tree

Awww..... : )

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