Saturday, December 17, 2011

Special Privileges

Santa Claus: Look, Pete  I know you love that movie  I am also aware that manipulating time is essential to our job  But warping time so you can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas 87 times in 24 hours is abusing the privilege  Black Pete sits on the sofa, watching TV: Oh, come on  It's only been 84 times so far

Here comes Santa Claus!  ...and Black Pete, a.k.a. the guy who leaves coal and switches for bad children. 

Before anyone gets on my case, I will say that I am well aware that this is not how Black Pete is traditionally portrayed (he's usually a black guy in a Renaissance-style page costume).  However, this is kind of what I imagined him as looking like before I found out otherwise, so this is what you lucky readers get stuck with.

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