Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not Technically Winter

Hades watches TV  Persephone pops in: Hi, Hades  Hades: Persephone  What are you doing here  Persephone: Visiting you, of course  Hades: But i's almost May  What about your job  Persephone: Relax  They can last a few days without me  Meanwhile, in Idaho  Everything is covered in snow  Woman: What happened to spring

We got snow where I live the other day, so I figured that this was appropriate.  Darn you, Persephone.  It's a good thing I like the snow....

On another note, I'm still wondering what Hades was watching.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor

Howler monkeys at a zoo howl, irritating their neighbors  Spider monkey holds a sign: Get me Out of here

...and if you feel like taking a baseball bat to your neighbor's head, at the very least do it in the most loving way possible.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blood Suckers

Two vampires hide behind a bush, one holding binoculars  Okay, that guy with the tasty-smelling blood should be walking by here any time now  The other swats away mosquitoes  Stupid mosquitoes  Blood-sucking litte parasites of society  The first bursts out laughing  I hate you, Irony

One of the reasons why you don't see many vampires living in warmer climates. 
The other reason is that it's hard to sport a nice swishy black cape when it's 90 degrees in the shade.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Erin: Due to the need to promote an endangered species (and to the fact that they are not particularly fond of rabbits), the Australians have replaced the Easter Bunny with a similar-looking native creature called a bilby  Bilby is shown in a springtime setting, but snatches up and eats a butterfly flying near it

Puts a whole new meaning to "killer rabbit," doesn't it?  I suppose I could add a joke to the large collection of jokes about how everything in Australia is capable of killing you, but I don't think that's necessary. 

Bilbies are nocturnal, omnivorous marsupials related to the bandicoot, except much cuter.  Since they're endangered and look kind of like rabbits, the Aussies sell chocolate bilbies around Easter in order to raise conservation effort awareness.  I think they're adorable.  My family thinks I'm nuts.  Here's a video of them.  I'll let you be the judge: 

You have been enlightened.  Happy Easter!