Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Erin works at computer  typey typey  Frond: Ahem  Erin: uh-oh  All of the characters on the website banner appear - pig, alien, dog, cat, unicorn, rabbit, vampire, dinosaur  Frond: We need to talk  Erin: Er, okay  Sonata: You've been doing this comic for a year, and did cartoons with Sid, Ariel, and Corra, but what about the rest of us  Frond: Forget that  You haven't used Splatter, Neo, or Sonata, but you've at least done cartoons with dogs, cats, and unicorns  But you haven't done any with rabbits or dinosaurs  You've been busy obsessing over bilbies  Erin: I like bilbies  Frond: I was here first  And what about poor Roxy  Roxy: Frond, it's okay  Really  Frond: Translation:  You're the cartoonist, so fix it  Erin: Alright  Alright  The next day  Splatter: You drew a cartoon of us buggin you about being in a cartoon  Erin: snicker

Yep!  Dilettante Comics has been under operation for a whole year!  WOOH!!!  And now you know that I'm insane enough to name all the characters in my logo, sans the flaming butterfly.  Though frankly, it's been a year, and I still have no idea whether Ariel the Alien is a boy or a girl. 

I actually double-checked.  Turns out that Frond was wrong.  I actually did draw rabbits in a cartoon!  Once.  This one right here.  So there.  Frond's usually in a better mood.  She's just a bit irritable because she had to babysit her cousins last weekend.  Insert joke about large rabbit families here. 

And to celebrate keeping this up for a year, I think I'll sleep.  And then the rest of you can celebrate because it means I'll stop rambling for a while.

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