Saturday, October 27, 2012

Can't Choose Your Relatives

Soldiers cart Loki away  Odin: Well, that should take care of Loki  Thor: What are we going to do about his kids  Odin: Jormungand keeps growing  Toss him into the sea  Thor: Will do  Tyr: What about this little guy  He's kind of cute  Fenrir bites his hand  Chomp  Er, I'll go find a leash  Odin: Now we need to find a home for you  Hel: Can I be the goddess of cookies  Odin: Um, I think I know a place that will suit you better  Hel sits wimpering on a frozen throne  Welcome to the Underworld

We got snow where I live this week.  This comic was entirely justified. 

So for the fourth and final Deities of Death comic of the year, we have the Norse goddess Hel (no sophomoric jokes about her name, please), joined by her dad (Loki), her brothers Jormungand and Fenris, and Odin, Thor, and Tyr.  I always thought it was kind of convenient that Loki just happened to have a half-skeleton daughter, and the underworld just happened to need a ruler. 

Wait.  I left this on far too depressing a note.  This needs to be remedied. 

Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungand hold ice cream cones  Odin said I couldn't be the goddess of cookies, so I became the goddess of ice cream

Much better. 

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Swift Wings and Loud Games

Thanatos plays a video game: Ha  Take that  And that  Hypnos: I'm pretty sure a deity of death isn't supposed to be loud enough to wake the dead

Here we have Thanatos, Greek god of death, and his brother Hypnos, Greek god of sleep.  In cases like this, this probably works to Thanatos' advantage. 

...Wait a minute.  It all makes sense now!  This is what caused the zombie apocalypse!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Perchance to Dream

Family talks to the Grim Reaper  Woah  You actually knew Shakespeare  Which play is your favorite  Did he really talk like that  I'm in the Drama Club  I know a pretty good adaptation of The Tempest  Now, who was that director  Ooh  Did you know Ben Franklin  Old man on deathbed: I've feared death for 90-something years  Now I mostly just find him annoying

...And if you keep the Grim Reaper distracted for long enough, he might forget to take who he came for when he leaves. 

Hmm...  The Grim Reaper:  patron of the arts.  Who knew?
Anyhow, all's well that ends well. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Single File

Persephone: Hey, Hades  Have you considered revising some things around the Styx  Hades: What brings this up  Persephone: Have you been there lately  Hades: No, I  All right  What's going on  Meanwhile  Charon wrangles souls:  One at a time  Stop pushing  Will you calm down  You'll all get your turn  Quit your whining  You've got all millennium to get across  And for the last time, I don't take euros  I don't care what the situation in Greece is

As you might have gathered, it's now October, which means that the Deities of Death have returned!  Today we have Hades (along with Persephone) and Charon, the long-suffering ferryman of the underworld. 
At least he gets paid.  It's more than most of the other deities can say.