Saturday, October 27, 2012

Can't Choose Your Relatives

Soldiers cart Loki away  Odin: Well, that should take care of Loki  Thor: What are we going to do about his kids  Odin: Jormungand keeps growing  Toss him into the sea  Thor: Will do  Tyr: What about this little guy  He's kind of cute  Fenrir bites his hand  Chomp  Er, I'll go find a leash  Odin: Now we need to find a home for you  Hel: Can I be the goddess of cookies  Odin: Um, I think I know a place that will suit you better  Hel sits wimpering on a frozen throne  Welcome to the Underworld

We got snow where I live this week.  This comic was entirely justified. 

So for the fourth and final Deities of Death comic of the year, we have the Norse goddess Hel (no sophomoric jokes about her name, please), joined by her dad (Loki), her brothers Jormungand and Fenris, and Odin, Thor, and Tyr.  I always thought it was kind of convenient that Loki just happened to have a half-skeleton daughter, and the underworld just happened to need a ruler. 

Wait.  I left this on far too depressing a note.  This needs to be remedied. 

Hel, Fenrir, and Jormungand hold ice cream cones  Odin said I couldn't be the goddess of cookies, so I became the goddess of ice cream

Much better. 

Happy Halloween!

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