Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Song that Didn't Want to be Written

Erin has a composition program pulled up on her computer  All right  Let's see if this thing sounds right  Song plays and freaky extra notes appear  What the heck  You know, this is the same song I was working on when the program crashed last week  Roommate: Maybe you should call an exorcist

Yes, those are actual screenshots, because this really happened.  The same piece that I had to start over on because my music program spontaneously crashed before I had a chance to save it (and the only other time the program had ever crashed was actually my fault) decided to develop a rather bizarre glitch that hasn't appeared in any other file.  The fact that it sounds, in my roommate's words, like haunted mansion music doesn't help.  She thinks the song is possessed.  She may be right. 

This is the first movement to a three-movement work based on a Webern twelve-tone row, to be performed by nine people in front of a panel of jurors as my final project for my composition class.  In the middle of the semester.  Yes, you read that right.  My professor is a bit of an over-achiever, to put it nicely. 

In other news, I discovered it's possible for loud sounds to hurt your eyes if you're tired enough. 

P.S.  I get bonus points this week because I actually asked my roommate for permission to put her in a comic before posting it, unlike the last four times.  She approved.  Happiness!

Edit:  She was right.  It was cursed. 

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