Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Final Countdown

College students prepare for finals  Science Majors: smacks book against head while chanting Hubble's Equation  Velocity equals H-naught times distance thump  History Majors: uses flash cards  Calvin Coolidge became president in 1923  I mean 1929  Wait  Gah  English Majors: types up essay  Dang it  I don't know what else to write  Um um bull  Fill it all in with bull  Music Majors: contemplates violin music  Okay  If I only sleep four hours a night and skip all meals, I might be able to learn these songs well enough to not fail

And for composition majors, finals are a little like the regular music majors, except you're going, "I'm supposed to have this song finished in an hour, and it still doesn't sound right!  Inspiration!  I need inspiration!"  And then the music-writing program crashes.  And then one of your performers ditches you at the last second.  And half of the remaining performers forget how to count.  And then the judges decide that they didn't like the song anyway. 
Could be worse.  I know a guy who had to take eleven quizzes on flower identification in one day for his floral arranging class, a course I didn't even know existed until today.  At least what I do gets a little respect. 

In conclusion, all majors are equally painful.  Your only hope is to find something you like enough to put up with the associated misery, and then hope that your professors don't literally try to kill you.  At best, you'll rise above it all and use your new-found knowledge to bring light to the lives of millions.  And at worse, at least your roommates can find relief in the fact that they didn't sign up for the same thing.  Either way, you'll enlighten someone.  Win-win. 

P.S.  In case anyone was wondering, the science major guy is chanting the Hubble's Law equation. 

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