Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Full of Cats

What kind of superpowers do you wish you had  Flight  Definitely flight  Telekinesis would be pretty cool too  I'd want to be able to rearrange the stars  Cool, but why  So I could make the sky look like this  Holds up drawing of cat constellations  Skimping on your meds again, I see  And this is what our galaxy would look like from above

At least this follows the tradition of cats insisting on being where they're not supposed to be. 

On the other hand, anything called the "Milky Way" seems like a natural hangout for cats. 
At least, MGM thought so.

Note:  Originally, I mistakenly attributed the short to Disney, thinking it was one of the Silly Symphonies.  Whoops.  And this is why writing posts at two in the morning is a really bad idea. 

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