Friday, October 3, 2014

Budget Zombie Hunters

Easy Halloween Costumes for your Kids:  1 one Have them put on old, worn-out clothes  2 two  Have them change the oil in the car  3 three  Have them shovel compost  4 four  Have them paint the barn  5 five  Done  sign: Zombie Removal Services  Very funny, Mom and Dad

As it's now October, it's now time to start thinking about Halloween costumes, unless you're one of those individuals who plans out theirs about 16 months in advance.  But why pay for a costume from the store when you can make your slaves, er, kids make their own?  

Fortunately, my parents can't ever pull this particular strategy on me because I still have my "zombie hunter costume" from the last time I painted the barn.
(Fun fact:  barn-red paint really is almost the perfect shade for fake blood.)

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