Friday, January 30, 2015

High School Lesson #0006

Student hangs on root off side of cliff  Whose bright idea was it to put the football field right next to a cliff  I'm starting to think it isn't coincidence that there's a graveyard right at the bottom  You think  I'll go get a rope  A little help here  Pride comes before an often literal fall

There is a time and a place to show off your mad ball-chasing skills.  This isn't it. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Exploitation of Physics

Andrew and Anni Seed the cartoon deer fawn stand at the edge of a gorge  Andrew: Great  I knew we should've turned left  Anni: It's getting late  We'll just have to cross it  Andrew: Are you crazy  There's no way we can make it  Anni puts her arm around him and starts walking: You're not being creative enough  Now just relax, and whatever you do don't look down  Andrew realizes they're walking on thin air, and falls screaming Amateur

...Cartoon physics, that is.  Rule #1: You can walk across thin air as long as you don't see yourself doing it. 

Anni Seed is a cartoon deer I created after binge-watching vintage Disney cartoons.  In-universe, she's a 1920's cartoon character that through a series of bizarre circumstances was brought to life and now hangs out with her animator's descendant.  And as you've probably noticed, she has no problem with exploiting the Rules of Funny for all they're worth. 

(And don't worry about her friend - according to the Rules of Funny, it wouldn't be funny if he got hurt.)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Ninja Dachshund

The Ninja Dachshund  The sausage of the shadows  You never see it until it's too late  Dog sits on man's chest

He fights using "sai-sages."  And yes, I made this cartoon just so I could use that pun. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

12 Days of Fright

December 25, Christmas morning:  Steve and vampire cousin Morvin exchange presents  Steve holds book: Reducing Cholesterol  Gee, thanks  Morvin: What are cousins for  Steve: Right  Here's yours  Merry Christmas  Opens present, finds screaming deer phobitron toy inside  Morvin: Um, thanks  How mildly disturbing  December 26: deer follows around the house  December 28: deer watches him brush teeth  December 30: deer appears in cupboard  January 1: deer screams all night  January 3 and January 4: paranoia grows  January 5: Morvin leaves  Mom: Where are you  Morvin: South for the winter  January 6  Mel: So you have no idea why he suddenly left  Steve: Not a clue

But all it wanted was love and cuddles!

I figured that at least some of you would want to see how this resolved.  You're welcome! 

Yes, I know this is technically a Christmas post and that it's January, but since the twelve days of Christmas go through to January 6th, I figured I could bend the rules.  This is the last one of the season, I promise.