Friday, February 27, 2015

Do Not Enter

Scratched door with torn sign reading Do Not Enter  Mental breakdown in progress

Some doors are best left unopened. 

Before anyone worries about my sanity, I'm drew this not so much because I'm having a mental breakdown, but because I might have one if I make myself do anything better than a minimally detailed cartoon right now.  I've been a little busy, so this is the best I could throw together in half an hour.  (But we've all had days weeks like that, right?)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Perfectly Logical

Woman finds boy and goat hanging from the ceiling, wearing Mardi Gras mask and beads  I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for this  But guessing is more fun

I suppose this is a fairly good policy for facing the many, many insanities the universe has to offer.  Especially the ones that potentially make even less sense with context. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Let Them Slay Cakes

Bride: So you're sure that you can do this design  Cake decorator: Not a problem  Bride and Groom face messy, sagging wedding cake  Bride: Gina, will you be a dear and bring me my katana  Groom: Hey, Brint  Where did I put my claymore  Photo montage of them attacking and eating dismembered remains of the cake, and assaulting the decorator responsible

A match made in heaven.  Maybe. 

I figured I ought to do something vaguely Valentine's-y, so here's something inspired by the many, many wedding cake mishaps that find their way onto Cake Wrecks.  I'm pretty sure this is an acceptable response to winding up with such a cake.  Or, at least my lawyer hasn't said otherwise.  She's covering her ears and making "la-la-la" noises right now, so I think that means I'm okay. 

NOTE:  Colors are forthcoming, and will arrive as soon as I recover from whatever I'm sick with this time.  My apologies for the inconvenience.  Now, collapsing in 3, 2, 1.... 

EDIT:  Color, glorious color!!!  And yes, I made the cake red velvet.  I figured that a cake with red insides would make the mandatory mauling even more spectacular.  Wait.  I think that came out wrong.  Um... made the dis-assemblage even more colorful?  Maybe I should go back to bed. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tasty, Tasty Blood

Black and white grayscale movie set  Does anyone know what happened to all that chocolate syrup we were going to use for fake blood  Man nervously spoons chocolate syrup onto a bowl of ice cream

Historically, chocolate syrup was used in black-and-white films as fake blood, including in movies like Psycho.   I like to believe that the cast and crew members abused this for all it was worth.