Friday, March 27, 2015

Monster Mash

Little girl prepares to smack the monster under the bed with a huge mallet

The monster under the bed is going to need a new job.  After he's released from the hospital, that is. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dorm-Cleaning Theater

Tonight on dorm-cleaning theater  The Thing that Grew Behind the Oven  Roommate: Thirty bucks if you go poke it with a stick  That's still not enough for life insurance

Arm yourselves with bleach and steel wool, soldiers.  It's going to be a long war. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Twenty Swords, Zero Sanity

Girl puts on fencing jacket: These fencing jackets look kind of like straightjackets  Why is that  Fencer: Well, actually  Gangway  Crowd of fencers run past: It's time for Zombie Broadsword  Yeah  Bring it on  Don't forget the lucky daisies  Never mind

Are fencers really this nuts?  Yes. 

Before anyone asks, "zombie broadsword" is a game of sorts attributed to my brother and a group of other freshman fencers, in which each player takes a PVC pipe-and-foam sword and hacks at the others until their arms fall off either figuratively or literally.  I'm pretty sure it won't be showing up at the Olympics anytime soon. 

The scary thing is that this isn't the weirdest thing that happened in my high school fencing club. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

High School Lesson #7863

Girl sings the blues as classmates and teacher fend off attacking vampire marmots  Homeroom's gone insane, vampiric marmots falling from the sky  Yeah, homeroom's gone insane, vampiric marmots falling from the sky  School is closing for repairs, so I think that we'll all get by  There is a blues song for every occasion

No, really.  The structure for the twelve-bar blues is so straightforward that it can be easily adapted for literally any situation.  Here's how:

1.  Write a line describing the situation.
2.  Repeat it.
3.  Write a rhyming line that completes the thought.
4.  Sing the whole thing to these chords:  I-I-I-I / IV-IV-I-I / V-IV-I-I.
5.  Done! 

...So, as an example:
I'm sitting at a laptop, writing posts for my website,
I say, I'm sitting at a laptop, writing posts for my website.
If I get it done, maybe I'll finally get some sleep tonight.

Now, go sing some blues, people!