Friday, March 13, 2015

Twenty Swords, Zero Sanity

Girl puts on fencing jacket: These fencing jackets look kind of like straightjackets  Why is that  Fencer: Well, actually  Gangway  Crowd of fencers run past: It's time for Zombie Broadsword  Yeah  Bring it on  Don't forget the lucky daisies  Never mind

Are fencers really this nuts?  Yes. 

Before anyone asks, "zombie broadsword" is a game of sorts attributed to my brother and a group of other freshman fencers, in which each player takes a PVC pipe-and-foam sword and hacks at the others until their arms fall off either figuratively or literally.  I'm pretty sure it won't be showing up at the Olympics anytime soon. 

The scary thing is that this isn't the weirdest thing that happened in my high school fencing club. 

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