Saturday, May 28, 2016

Honest Vending Machine

The start of the semester  healthy  The first day of finals week  caffeine engery drinks  The end of finals  I scream ice cream  girl eats carton of ice cream

Most people I know need ice cream by the end of finals, even if they passed them all. 

Before anyone asks, yes this comic is a day late.  Under normal circumstances it would have been finished on schedule, but some family commitments came up that ate up all my time.  By the end of the day I had completely snapped and was laughing hysterically at air bags, and so was completely beyond accomplishing anything even remotely productive.  So I'd like to thank everyone for being understanding (you are understanding, right?), and for allowing the deadlines for this comic to be a wee bit more flexible than those of school projects. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

He Was Methstaken

Student: I can't believe you posted flyers for our math club's party without checking for typos  Sorry  It can't be that big of a deal though  Right  Points to flyer, reads Come to our Meth Party  Oh  Police lights and sirens  And that would be the cops, right on cue  But they'll understand, right  Right

I was going to make a "Typos:  Not Even Once" joke, but that's probably in poor taste. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Descended Too Far

Pug, Chinese Crested, and Chihuahua dogs hold sign reading Proud Descendants of Wolves  Wolf asks Wait, what

Despite what you might guess, dogs and wolves are still technically the same species, and hybrids between wolves and things like poodles exist.  Thankfully, I'm pretty sure a hybrid between a wolf and a Chihuahua can't happen (knock on wood). 

Apparently Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds, and hybrids of the two, are regular contenders in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest.  This alone says volumes.