Friday, July 15, 2016

Hairy Light Cultists

Moths worship a lit bug zapper  The light is powerful  The light is all
Name:  Euxoa auxiliaris, otherwise known as the "army cutworm," the "miller moth," or the "airborne ick."

Physical Description:  Small, brown, ugly, and hairy.

Intelligence:  Low.  Really, really low. 

Behavior:  Will charge about chaotically, oblivious to all obstacles (including walls), even after crashing into them repeatedly.  The concept of "boundaries" is lost on them.  Have an all-consuming fascination with light sources of any kind, indicating that they haven't yet figured out that they're supposed to be nocturnal.  The entire species may be drunk. 

Benefit to the Ecosystem:  Bat food.  That's it. 

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