Friday, August 26, 2016

Sitting Duck

General speaks to troops: The negotiations with Chief Sitting Duck's tribe need to go well, so  Soldier: Sitting Duck  Seriously  General: So under no circumstances can you make fun of his name  If this goes wrong, they'll almost certainly attack us  Soldier: Yeah, I'm pretty sure we could take them  General: Let me put it this way  If there's a fight, my wife will deal with whoever was dumb enough to start it  Woman brandishes an ax while holding a dead chicken  General shakes hands with Native chief: Greetings, Chief Sitting Duck  It's an honor to finally meet you  Chief: Your men, are they feeling well  Soldiers think in unison: Don't laugh, ax-lady will drink me

I figure that there's always going to be at least one language in which your name sounds really weird.  Hopefully it's not your own. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

One Nation, Really

Californians in Wyoming take photos of buffalo up close  Park Ranger: Get away from it, you idiots  New Yorkers in Hawai'i play with lava  Ranger: Get away from there, you idiots  Louisianians in Minnesota don't understand snow  What is this stuff  Idahoans in Florida have never seen a palm tree  Palm trees are real

While I may not know for certain about the others, panels #1 and #4 are completely accurate. 

And on the flipside, it turns out that Arizona of all places does have experience with snow.  It helps that the rim of the Grand Canyon is at a high enough altitude that it can get below freezing in the winter.  Proof: 
...but I'm pretty sure having a snowball fight up on the edge would end badly.  

Friday, August 5, 2016

Vampiric Flytrap

Potted flytrap bites and drains fluids of nearby plant  Shop worker: Hey, Jeff  About this new variety of Venus flytrap

Genetic modification has officially gone too far. 
Fun fact:  Venus flytraps actually grow pretty flowers.  Who'd have thunk it?