Friday, August 26, 2016

Sitting Duck

General speaks to troops: The negotiations with Chief Sitting Duck's tribe need to go well, so  Soldier: Sitting Duck  Seriously  General: So under no circumstances can you make fun of his name  If this goes wrong, they'll almost certainly attack us  Soldier: Yeah, I'm pretty sure we could take them  General: Let me put it this way  If there's a fight, my wife will deal with whoever was dumb enough to start it  Woman brandishes an ax while holding a dead chicken  General shakes hands with Native chief: Greetings, Chief Sitting Duck  It's an honor to finally meet you  Chief: Your men, are they feeling well  Soldiers think in unison: Don't laugh, ax-lady will drink me

I figure that there's always going to be at least one language in which your name sounds really weird.  Hopefully it's not your own. 

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