Friday, November 18, 2016

Exact Words

French Teacher speaks to class  Welcome to French 321  After today, no English will be spoken in this class without my express permission  Students: No English, you say in German  You really should be more specific in Russian  How was your vacation, Greg in Arabic  Pretty good I got some sleep in Japanese We like shiny things in Norwegian  Do you think she understands any of this in Greek  It's unlikely in Maori  Long live the Revolution in Afrikaans

Not quite what she had in mind. 

I know people are going to bug me about what they're actually saying, so here's the transcript: 

"No English, you say?"  (in German)
"You really should be more specific."  (in Russian)
"How was your vacation, Greg?"  (in Arabic)
"Pretty good.  I got some sleep."  (in Japanese)
"We like shiny things!"  (in Norwegian)
"Do you think she understands any of this?"  (in Greek)
"It's unlikely."  (in Maori)
"Long live the Revolution!"  (in Afrikaans)

Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to dedicate this cartoon to Google Translate, for making it possible.  I also dedicate it to the kind people who will ignore any and all errors the aforementioned translator provided.  Thank you. 

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