Friday, January 27, 2017

Eight-Legged Fido

If giant spiders replaced cats and dogs  Kids play fetch with pet spiders in park: Good girl  Woman walks spider down the street  Man orders spider to Get off the table  Crazy spider lady sits happily surrounded by spiders
Er, any arachnophobes reading?  Please don't set fire to your computer.  It won't kill the spiders. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Frozen Beauty

In a cold, northern kingdom, an evil fairy cursed the baby princess  Before sunset on her sixteenth birthday, she would stick her tongue to a lamp post and die  But a good fairy declared that not in death, but in hypothermia she'd sleep until her true love wisely poured warm water over her tongue  Princess: I'm going to have to wait to kiss you  Prince: That's fair
She couldn't free herself because it was a magical frozen lamp post. 
Wasn't there one of those in Narnia?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Completely Under Control

Bystanders snicker as police try to push their car out of a snowdrift  When you slide off the road, it's a tragedy  But when a cop slides off the road  Move along, people  There's nothing to see here  Really

The bystanders will probably help.  Once they're done snickering at the officers' futile attempts in pretending nothing's wrong. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Old Problems, New Problems

Steve and Mel talk on their phones  Mel: Hey, Steve  What's up  Steve: I officially have an apartment  Mel: Holy cow  Congratulations  Where at  Steve: North side of campus, at Steinmetz Hall  Mel: And your roommates  Steve: Well, there's Mark and Dylan from high school, and Dylan's cousin Parker  Van Helsing Fanclub  Mel: And no vampires  Steve: Collectively and irrevocably banned from the building  I'm invincible  Dylan: Okay, nobody panic, but I'm hearing some pretty ominous chanting coming from the basement

Just when you thought you were safe, dark forces emerge from beneath to steal your freezer burritos and prey on your science notes...