Friday, February 24, 2017

Raspberry Lemonade

Glass of raspberry lemonade sits on table in front of magical starry sky  When life gives me lemons, I make raspberry lemonade  I don't try to figure out where the raspberries come from

I do know where Golden Raspberries come from, but that's something entirely different and hopefully will stay that way. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Canary in the Coalmine

Girl listens to music on her computer  Roommate walks in, carrying plant:  What are you listening to  Twelve-tone music for one of my classes  What a coincidence  I'm doing a report on the effects of music on plants  Think you could help me out  Um, sure, but don't say I didn't warn you  She unplugs her headphones  Plant immediately bursts into flames  You get the next track ready, and I'll get another plant  We need more data  Can you send a copy of your report to my Musicianship teacher

The music building at my school had a few live plants here and there, which functioned both as a morale booster and an early warning system. 

Or, at least I'm pretty sure they were real plants...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Dinosaur Scales

Dinosaurs stand on notes in a treble clef staff  AarDOnyx REbbachisaurus MinMI FAlcarius LeSOthosaurus LAmaceratops TI-rex RhabDOdon

And now you will hear "fossil" every time someone sings "Fa-Sol." 
Also, I should point out that the dinosaurs are not to scale.  I'm pointing it out because it gives me an excuse to use one more pun.  You're so lucky. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

High School Lesson #2533

Hey, wait up  We'll come back with a toolbox when this is over  If your classmate doesn't bleed, A, he's probably an android, and B, you don't need to feel bad about leaving him behind during a vampire attack

He may be a little irritated afterward, but really, what are they going to do to him?  Drink his oil?  Suck his circuits?